2022 trends #3
3rd key consideration, given to workspace planning and design, we believe is WELLNESS.
Overall wellbeing of employees leads to better efficiency, that's no secret. Added focus on one's health in past 2 years, has identified more areas requiring further design work.
1. decreased occupancy density has led to better definition of personal space and task zoning, we now, literary, have more room to breathe. Requirement of non-permanent floor plate dividing solutions is on the rise.
2. open plan office is here to stay, however noise pollution leads to higher levels of stress and decreased concentration of staff. With majority of companies leasing, base built is not always sensitive to acoustic requirements of the tenant. PET panelling in various applications is assisting in reducing levels of noise, without complicating the make good process at the end of the lease.
3. biophilic design is having a moment, we need not mention why. i am happy to say ''goodbye'' to faux foliage and hope to never see it again - sorry, not sorry.